| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site

25 Jul:Gun 4.3 delivered to XFEL

Gun 4.3, the start-up gun for XFEL, was conditioned at PITZ and sent to Hamburg

Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site

25 Jul:Gun 4.3 delivered to XFEL

Gun 4.3, the start-up gun for XFEL, was conditioned at PITZ and sent to Hamburg

On July 25, the XFEL electron source "Gun 4.3" was lifted out of the PITZ tunnel and transported to Hamburg. It will incorporated in August in the XFEL injector, there for in September and October it supposed to operate to test the new, specially developed for XFEL concept of high-frequency distribution system.
The cavity had been delivered on 27/02/2013 from Hamburg and was conditioned at PITZ since 10/04/2013, that means prepared for operation. Until the delivery of the following cavity, wich is built up in Hamburg now and will be completed around the end of August, the PITZ facility is resting now. This time is used for various maintenance and modification work.


Raising the gun from it's place


The lift out of the tunnel was with an external crane