| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


FLASHlab@PITZ in RBB24 Abendschau on 08.04.2023

Watch the video here:

Icon Video (77.3 MB)
DESY link to the video

PITZ in DESY 2022 annual report

About PITZ in general in page 30 of issue Accelerators 2022.
About first lasing of THz SASE FEL in page 56.

Available for download here.


THz project in Femto: the DESY research magazine

In page 28 of issue 01/23.

Available for download here.

THz in Femto 01/23

 Mikhail Krasilnikov awarded the Gersh Budker Prize

PITZ scientist Mikhail Krasilnikov was awarded the Gersh Budker Prize by the European Physical Society’s accelerator group (EPS-AG) which is granted every three years for a recent, significant, original contribution to the accelerator field. Krasilnikov received the prize for his achievements in the development of high brightness electron beams and a high power, tunable Terahertz (THz) SASE free electron laser based on those beams, demonstrating lasing at the PITZ facility (Photo Injector Test Facility in Zeuthen) in 2022 for the first time. The prize was presented at an awards session during the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’23), which took place from 7 to 12 May in Venice, Italy.


First Aid exercise in the PITZ tunnel

Due to modification measures at PITZ, access behind the PITZ beamline has only been possible via a staircase since summer 2022, making it much more difficult to rescue people. For this reason, a special stretcher was purchased that can be attached to the crane and lifted over the facility. On 2 May, the first aid exercise took place under the leadership of our safety engineer Ronald Zinke. During the practical exercise, the specifics of the rescue procedure in the special environment could be discussed and tried out. The team now feels well prepared for an emergency.

Newsletter DESY Zeuthen: First aid exercise in the PITZ tunnel

Anna Grebinyk awarded for research into novel cancer therapy

DESY postdoc receives research prize from TH Wildau

On 27 February, PITZ scientist Anna Grebinyk was awarded the 2023 Research Prize in the category “research-oriented achievements” by the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau (TH Wildau). With the prize, which is being awarded in this form for the first time this year, the university honours her research project “FullDrug – New approaches in cancer therapy with C60 fullerene complexes”. The prize, which was presented during the 12th Wildau Science Week, recognises outstanding achievements by scientists at TH Wildau.
