| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


Teilchenkanonen gegen Krebs

femto - Das DESY-Forschungsmagazin – Ausgabe 01/24 (Seite 23)


Milestone of the THz project at PITZ

Research and development activities for a high-power tunable accelerator-based THz source are currently being carried out at PITZ. An important milestone was the submission of the report “Conceptual Design Studies of a THz source for pump-probe experiments at the European XFEL based on a PITZ-like photo injector” to the European XFEL. The report summarizes the experience gained during the design, installation, and commissioning of the THz beamline, as well as proof-of-principle experiments on THz FEL at PITZ. The results of the measurements on a high-gain single-pass THz FEL have been summarized and complemented by theoretical modeling and simulations.

Gun5.2 finished

The production of Gun5.2, the follow-up to the electron source installed at PITZ, was finalised after some challenges in production. On 6 March, the gun arrived in Zeuthen for frequency adjustment (tuning). It will then be CO2-cleaned in Hamburg and then assembled in Zeuthen. In early summer, it will go into operation at the new conditioning test stand in Hamburg (FALCO). Many colleagues in Zeuthen and Hamburg worked hand in hand to realise the high production requirements - a big thank you to everyone involved! As a result, the critical production steps have been revised once again and made more error-proof so that the production of the other guns can now proceed.