| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


RF System

Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site

RF System


The 10 MW multi beam klystron from Thales has been
delivered to Zeuthen on 9.6.05. During the first tests after
its installation 10 MW at 1.2 ms rf pulse duration were
reached when running on a load. In autumn, tests with
longer rf pulses up to the design parameter (1.5 ms) are
foreseen. For the moment, the currently reached parameters
are sufficient for running the PITZ facility and doing
high power tests of the gun.
The rf output of the 10 MW klystron is via two 5 MW
arms. In order to combine the rf power from the two arms,
a power combiner has been developed [2] and tested on a
load up to two times 2.5 MW (5 MW combined) at a rf pulse length of 200 us before its installation in the vacuum
system of the PITZ gun.
The delivery of a second 10 MW klystron is foreseen for
January 2006. Until then the booster is operated with the
old 5 MW klystron