| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site

PITHz mini-workshop

Mini-Workshop on THz option at PITZ

Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site

Mini-Workshop on THz option at PITZ

DESY location Zeuthen
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Main ideas for a one-day brainstorming:

-what are the advantages of THz generated by a separate accelerator and what are possible requests from users, a first guess
-to present current status of simulations and discuss future possibilities to produce THz radiation using the PITZ linac
-to establish collaboration for these scientific case studies
-to make a road map (in the case of reasonable proposals)

Presentations from this workshop are available below.

M. Krasilnikov

M. Krasilnikov

pdf file


pdf file

I. Zagorodnov

G. Asova

E. Syresin, M. Krasilnikov (was not presented)