| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site



S. Rimjaem, G. Asova, J.W. Bähr, C. Boulware, K. Boyanov, K. Flöttmann, H. J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, Y. Ivanisenko, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, D. Richter, S. Riemann, J. Rönsch, K. Rosbach, A. Shapovalov, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
Status and Perspectives of the PITZ Facility Upgrade
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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S. Rimjaem

L. Staykov, G. Asova, J.W. Bähr, C. Boulware, K. Boyanov, K. Flöttmann, H. J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, D. Richter, S. Rimjaem, J. Rönsch, A. Shapovalov, F. Stephan, I. Tsakov
Measurement of the Projected Normalized Transverse Emittance at PITZ
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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L. Staykov

S. Lederer, H. Duerr, J.H. Han, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, R. Ovsyannikov, C. Paganini, S. Schreiber, D. Sertore, M. Sperling, F. Stephan , A. Vollmer
XPS studies of Cs2Te Photocathodes
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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S. Lederer

S. Lederer, G. Asova, J.W. Bähr, C. Boulware, K. Boyanov, H. J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, Y. Ivanisenko, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, D. Richter, S. Rimjaem, J. Rönsch, T.Scholz, R. Spesyvtsev, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
Investigations on the Thermal Emittance of Cs2Te Photocathodes at PITZ
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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S. Lederer

J. Rönsch, G. Asova, J.Bähr, C. Boulware, H. J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, Y. Ivanisenko, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Onuchin, B. Petrosyan, D. Richter, K. Rosbach, J. Rossbach, A. Shapovalov, T.Scholz, R. Spesyvtsev, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
Recent Measurements of the Longitudinal Phase Space at the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ)
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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J. Rönsch

M. Hänel, J. Bähr, Y. Ivanisenko, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, F. Stephan
Photocathode Laser Pulse Diagnostics at PITZ
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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M. Hänel

H.-J. Grabosch, G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, J.-H. Han, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, V. Miltchev, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, M. Sachwitz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
Test of a Wire Scanner in the Diagnostic Section of PITZ
Proceedings of the 29th International FEL Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2007

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H.-J. Grabosch


S. Khodyachykh, G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, M. Haenel, S. Korepanov, S. Lederer, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Rimjaem, T. Scholz, R. Spesyvtsev, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, T. Garvey, J. Roensch, D.J. Holder, B. Muratori, L. Hakobyan, D. Alesini, L. Ficcadenti, D. Richter
New Beam Diagnostic Developments at the Photo-Injector Test Facility PITZ
Proceedings of PAC 2007, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2007

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S. Khodyachykh

S. Lederer, G. Asova, J.W. Baehr, C. Boulware, H-J. Grabosch, M. Haenel, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, S. Rimjaem, T. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, K. Boyanov, D. Richter, J. Roensch, L. Hakobyan, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, C. Pagani, D. Sertore
Conditioning of a new Gun Cavity Towards 60 MV/m at PITZ
Proceedings of PAC 2007, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2007

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S. Lederer

Diploma Thesis 2007

Y. Ivanisenko
Photo Injector Cathode Laser Beam Intensity and Position Monitoring System
Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 2007

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Y. Ivanisenko

Roman Spesyvtsev
Transverse Beam Size Measurement Systems at Photo Injector Test Facility in Zeuthen
Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 2007

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R. Spesyvtsev


J.Baehr, H.Luedecke, J.Roensch
Optical System for Measuring Electron Bunch Length and Longitudinal Phase Space at PITZ: Extension and Methodical Investigations
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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J. Baehr

Sergiy Khodyachykh, Juergen W. Baehr, Mikhail Krasilnikov, Anne Oppelt , Sakhorn Rimjaem, Roman Spesyvtsev, Lazar Staykov, Frank Stephan, Terence Garvey, Juliane Roensch
Design and Construction of the Multipurpose Dispersive Section at PITZ
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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S. Khodyachykh

G. Asova, S. Khodyachykh, M. Krasilnikov, F. Stephan, K. Floettmann, D.J. Holder, B. Muratori
Design Considerations for Phase Space Tomography Diagnostics at the PITZ Facility
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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G. Asova

R.Spesyvtsev, J.Baehr, S.Khodyachykh, L.Staykov
Screens Studies at PITZ
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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R. Spesyvtsev

S.Korepanov, M.Krasilnikov, F.Stephan, D.Alesini, L.Ficcadenti
An RF Deflector for the Longitudinal and Transverse Beam Phase Space Analysis at PITZ
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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S. Korepanov

Y. Ivanisenko, G. Asova, J. Baehr, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, F. Stephan, O. Kalekin
Photo Injector Cathode Laser Beam Intensity and Pointing Stability Diagnostics
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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Y. Ivanisenko

J. Roensch, J. Rossbach, J. Baehr, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Rimjaem, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
Design considerations of a spectrometer dipole magnet for the Photo Injector
Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ)

Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

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J. Rönsch

M. Krasilnikov, J. Baehr, M. Haenel, F. Stephan, I.Will
Experimental Optimization of the Cathode Laser Temporal Profile
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, Venice, Mestre, Italy 2007

Icon Paper (222KB)
M. Krasilnikov

DPG Frühjahrstagung 2007

M. Haenel
Charakterisierung des Photo-Katodenlasers am Photoinjektor-Teststand Zeuthen
DPG Frühjahrstagung Heidelberg, 2007

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M. Hänel