| Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site


Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen site



G. Asova, S. Khodyachykh, M. Krasilnikov, F. Stephan, P. Castro, F. Loehl
Phase Space Tomography Diagnostics at the PITZ Facility
Proceedings of ICAP 2006, Chamonix, France, 2006

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G. Asova

EPAC 2006

J. Roensch, J. Rossbach, K. Abrahamyan, G. Asova, J. Baehr, G. Dimitrov, H. -J. Grabosch, J. H. Han, O. Kalekin, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, V. Miltchev, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, D. Lipka, D. Richter
Investigations of the Longitudinal Phase Space at PITZ
Proceedings of EPAC 2006, Edinburgh, UK, 2006

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J. Roensch

FEL 2006

A.Oppelt, K. Abrahamyan, O. Aldrian, G. Asova, J. Baehr, G. Dimitrov, H. -J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, J. Ivanisenko, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, R. Spesyvtsev, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, F.Tonisch, F. Marhauser, D. Richter, E. Weihreter, K. Floettmann, J. H.Han, C. Martens, R. Meyer, V. Miltchev, O. Kalekin, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, D. Sertore, J. Roensch
Tuning, Conditioning and Dark Current Measurements of a New Gun Cavity at PITZ
PRELIMINARY Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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F. Marhauser, M. Dirsat, A. Meseck, D. Richter, V. Duerr, E. Weihreter, G. Asova, J. Baehr, H. J. Grabosch, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, F. Tonisch, O. Kalekin, J. Roensch
A High Average Power RF Photoinjector Gun Cavity Developed for the BESSY Soft X-Ray FEL
PRELIMINARY Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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F. Marhauser

J. Roensch, J. Rossbach, G. Asova, J. Baehr, H. -J. Grabosch, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, D. Lipka, D. Richter, F. Marhauser, A. Onuchin
Investigation of the Longitudinal Beam Properties at the Photoinjector Test Facility in Zeuthen
PRELIMINARY Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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J. Roensch

L. Staykov, J.Baehr, H. J. Grabosch, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M.Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, F. Stephan, J. Roensch, G. Asova, I. Tsakov
Commissioning of a New Emittance Measurement System at PITZ
PRELIMINARY Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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L. Staykov

S. Korepanov, S. Khodyachykh, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, F. Stephan, V. Paramonov
Design Consideration of the RF Deflector to Optimize the Photo Injector at PITZ
Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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S. Korepanov

S. Khodyachykh, J. Baehr, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, T. Garvey, D. Lipka, J. Roensch
Design of Multipurpose Dispersive Section at PITZ
PRELIMINARY Proceedings of the 28th Free Electron Laser Conference (fel 06), Aug. 27 - Sep. 1 2006, Berlin, Germany

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S. Khodyachykh

RuPAC 2006

S. Korepanov, S. Khodyachykh, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, F. Stephan, DESY-Zeuthen, Germany
V. Paramonov, INR, Moscow, Russia
Comparison of RF deflecting structures for future beam phase space studies at PITZ
Proceedings of the RuPAC 2006, Novosibirsk, Russia

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S. Korepanov

LINAC 2006

A. Oppelt, K. Abrahamyan, G. Asova, J. Baehr, G. Dimitrov, H. -J. Grabosch, L. Hakobyan, J. Ivanisenko, S. Khodyachykh, S. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, R. Spesyvtsev, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, F. Marhauser, D. Richter, E. Weihreter, J. H. Han, V. Miltchev, O. Kalekin, J. Roensch
Status of the PITZ Facility Upgrade
Proceedings of the LINAC2006, Knoxville, TN, USA, 21-25 August 2006

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A. Oppelt

PhD Thesis 2006

Investigations on the transverse phase space at a photo injector for minimized emittance.

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Velizar Miltchev

Diploma Thesis

Design considerations for a Beam Loss Monitor at the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen
HU Berlin, 2006

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Peter Spanknebel